Archive for the ‘dog’ Category

Willie and the Dog Treats

Wednesday, July 13th, 2016

Willie was lying on his bed reading the latest book he borrowed from the library when he heard his grandfather’s booming voice coming from the foot of the stairs. “Willie, come down here. Meet me in the kitchen.”

Willie scooted off the bed and made his way to the stairs. All the while he kept thinking what did I do? What did  I do? He couldn’t think of anything he had forgotten to do, or that he had done, for Grandpa Dooley to use his stern voice. Grandpa was definitely using  his, “Willie, you are in trouble voice.”

When Willie walked into the kitchen, he saw his dog, who was not quite a year old, lying in the corner looking very sad and sick. Not far from where he was lying was a mess. The dog had gotten sick to his stomach…big time.

“Willie, what did I tell you about not giving the dog any table food or human snacks?” Grandpa Dooley didn’t give Willie a chance to answer. He just continued to talk. “Dogs eat dog food. We agreed to that when I agreed you could have a dog.”

Willie’s lower lip began to tremble, but he answered firmly, “I didn’t feed him any people food.”  Grandpa Dooley answered, “Well there are raisins and bits of chocolate in his mess, so someone fed them to him or he picked them up on the street when you were walking him.”

Willie was about to say that didn’t happen when he remembered that he had stopped to talk to some friends when he was walking the dog. When he shared that information with his grandpa, his grandpa said,”Weren’t you watching him while you were talking?” Willie had to admit there were a few minutes when he was looking at a new game on one of his friend’s cell phone and wasn’t paying attention to what the dog was doing.

Grandpa asked,”Were any of the boys eating snacks?” Willie thought for a moment, and answered, “One of the guys was eating chocolate covered raisins.”

“Okay Willie, said his grandpa, “Help me clean up this mess and then let’s get the dog to the vet’s to have him checked out.” Willie gulped and said, “Do I have to help clean up the mess?” Grandpa Dooley looked at him and said.” What do you think,Willie?” Willie nodded and said. “I’ll get the mop.”

Later, the veterinarian sat Willie down and shared about some of the people foods that dogs cannot digest properly and should not be given to eat.  He told Willie that he needed to tell his friends not to feed the dog. He also said that, when walking the dog, his job was to watch the dog and keep him from eating things he found on the street because that is another way his dog could get sick.

Here is the picture the veterinarian gave Willie to remind him of foods that all dogs should not eat.



Delmar’s First Christmas

Monday, March 18th, 2013

Coach Campbell kept his promise; he came to show and tell and told the “Can Do” Kids about Delmar’s First Christmas.

Here is what Coach had to say:


First, we took Delmar to the plaza, to help us pick out the perfect Christmas tree. He has a very good sniffer, so he was able to let us know which tree was the freshest.

Once we had the Christmas tree, we went home and decorated it with lights and ornaments. We had to make sure that the ornaments were not hung too low, or they might get knocked off by Delmar’s tail. Puppies wag their tails all the time, and we didn’t want him breaking anything. Also, no tinsel! Puppies love to eat it, and it is not good for them.


Then, once the Christmas tree was just right, it was time for Delmar to put on his special Christmas sweater and have his picture taken. Normally, he loves having his picture taken, but I am not so sure he was excited about wearing the sweater.


Finally, after all that work, Delmar had to take a nap. Ever wonder what a dog dreams about? I know I do, and it was a few days later I had an idea as to what he was dreaming about on this special day of Christmas tree getting.

Turns out, Delmar picked the tastiest tree!! Look at what he did one morning when left alone with the Christmas tree.


I guess Delmar wanted to help “trim the tree” by trimming off a few of the bottom branches.

Delmar was not left alone with the Christmas tree again.

Note: Delmar’s First Christmas was written by Ned Campbell, a teacher and coach in Brooklyn, NY.



Coach Campbell’s New Puppy

Tuesday, September 25th, 2012

Willie, Hector and Bobby were walking to school when they saw Coach Campbell walking not to far ahead of them. They ran up to him and asked, “How was your summer, Coach?”

coachCoach answered, “Well guys, some of you have heard me talk about my dog, Sergeant Buckshot, from time to time. Some of you have even seen me walking him around the neighborhood. Well, Buck was, as you all know, pretty old. Getting around was getting hard for him, and he was waking up feeling tired. Then one day, well, he had to move on.

 Now, that really hurt a lot, to see him go, he was a great friend for twelve years, but – it was his time.”

Hector asked,”Will you get another dog Coach?”

 “Well now,  Hector, I already did,” said Coach. “I got a puppy. He is a little bit younger than Buckshot was when I got him.”

   “A PUPPY!” shouted  Willie. “How old, can we see him?”

coach“Delmar, that’s his name, is just over 4 months old now. He is still very young, excitable, and interested in just about everything. Lots of energy! When he gets a bit older, and has some more of his vaccines, I will bring him by to meet all of you,” answered Coach.

“YAY!” said Bobby. “How did you find him? What kind of dog is he?”

Coach answered,”He is a lab-shepherd mix, and how I got him, well now, that’s a good story.

 You see, it was almost Labor Day weekend, and I was going to be up-State at a lake-house for the long weekend. Now – and this is important – I had only ever been there with Buckshot, so to be there all alone, without a dog, I just couldn’t do that. So, I started looking for rescue shelters near where I would be staying for the weekend.”

Willie interrupted, saying,  “What’s a rescue shelter?”

 Coach continued, “A rescue shelter is a place where really nice people try to find homes for lost puppies and dogs. It is where dogs get a second chance at a “forever home.”

 So, after doing some research in the Internet, I found Delmar – only then, he was being called Ricki. Well, as soon as I read Ricki’s story, of how he was left – along with his brothers and sisters – in a cardboard box, and he was the only one left, not yet adopted, and still waiting for his forever home … well, I just knew he was the one.

 You see, my first dog as a boy, when I was in the 6th grade, was in a cardboard box outside of a grocery store when I first met him. Schultz was my first dog, my dog as a boy growing up.

Then, a long time after that, when I was all grown up, I met Buckshot. He was only five months old then, with the same spots on his body that Schultz had. He was the last in his litter, waiting to be rescued. Then, he walked on over to me, sat down and put his head on my lap. I knew right then, he was with me from now on.

 So, you see, Delmar was like Schultz, found in a cardboard box. He was also like Buckshot, the last one waiting, after all of his brothers and sisters had been adopted. There was so much in common with the dogs I knew and cared for, that I called up the rescue shelter right away. A few hours later, I was talking to Ricki’s foster mom, and making plans to meet him the next day.

 The next day was September 1st, and I have started my day, every day since, with Delmar.”

 Hector wanted to know, “How early do you have to get up with him? How many walks a day does he need? Can I walk him?” “Yeah, me too, can I?” said Willie.

 “Well, remember, said, coach, “He is still a bit too young to come by for a visit. Now, the truth is, having a puppy is a ton work, and a long day. They need to go outside every 3-4 hours at his age. That is a lot of walks!

 The first walk of the day is at 5:30 in the morning. How many of you are up that early? (no hands raised) Huh, not that many I see.

 Since I am at school during the day, I have a dog walker come by to take Delmar out for nice, long walks at 9 AM, 1 PM, and again at 4 PM. I get home at around 6 PM, and the first thing I do is take Delmar out for a walk. There are two more after that, the last one being at 10 PM.”

The boys looked thoughtful, then Bobby said, “Wow, that is a lot of walks.”

“Yup, sure is,” said Coach.

Does he have a lot of toys? Yeah, can we bring him a bone? the boys wanted to know.

 Coach laughed saying, “Oh boy, you bet he’s got toys. Puppies love to play, and need lots of different toys to keep them busy.

 His favorite is a big, knotted rope toy. That, and a stuffed hedgehog. Bones, though, not the best thing for a young puppy’s tummy. See, puppies don’t know when to stop eating, so you have to be careful with what you give them, and how much. Bones from the dinner table are really not good for a puppy, and chicken bones are a “no-no” for all dogs, of all ages. ”

  “Wow, OK Coach. So, you don’t miss Buckshot anymore?” Willie stopped talking waiting for Coach’s answer.

“Oh Willie, I will always remember Buckshot. I can never forget him. After losing him, I was very sad and lonely, and I did not want to only remember Buckshot, and feel sad. Plus, he was a rescue dog who lived a good life, and I am sure he would want me to give another good life to the next dog that came along needing to be rescued. In fact, I am sure Buckshot is resting in peace, now that he knows I am no longer sad and lonely. Delmar is making me laugh, and staying close.”

“So, I know we can’t meet Delmar yet, but can we see some pictures?” Willie had asked the question that all three boys wanted to know.

Coach smiled and said,You bet.”

Story by: Ned M. Campbell (Coach Campbell)
