Archive for the ‘computer’ Category

Halloween Computer Matching Games

Friday, October 19th, 2012

The “Can Do” Kids, burst into the computer lab just as Miss Pat was putting the finishing touches on the Halloween games she promised them in home room that morning.

“Take your seats at your computer stations and beginning playing the Halloween matching games,” said Miss Pat.

The “Can Dos” scrambled to get to their seats and followed Miss Pat’s directions to find the Halloween games.

Why not play along? Just go to the “Can Do”: Club House, choose games and choose Halloween games.

Have fun with the Halloween Games!



Math …Math…Math

Friday, September 21st, 2012

The “Can Dos” have been having a hard time with math according to their math teacher.

Once again, Miss Pat was asked to make up computer games for math. The math teacher was hoping that some math games might make learning the 6x table easier.

Their math teacher also hoping that a math game about the 4x table might help too.

When the “Can Dos” came to computer class, Miss Pat announced that she made some math games for them. At first, the “Can Dos” were not so thrilled to play games about math, but when they say how it made remembering the times tables easier, they were happy about it!

Why not try the games out? Go to the Club House, choose games, then choose times tables.

Have fun with the math games!


