Archive for the ‘bunny’ Category

A Chocolate Bunny for the Winner of the Easter Egg Hunt

Tuesday, March 31st, 2015

 bunnyOn Sunday afternoon, the “Can Do” kids all gathered at the “Can Do” Street Community Center for the annual egg hunt, and the awarding of the chocolate bunny for the most eggs collected.

With the blowing of a whistle, the “Can Dos” all set out to find the colored eggs hidden in the field behind the community center. They all carried baskets to hold the eggs they found. There was to be a prize for the most eggs found. The prize…a huge chocolate bunny that was the exact image of what the Easter Bunny was thought to look like.

There was so much excitement! The “Can Dos” were running and looking all over the place! Soon there were no more eggs to be found and the “Can Dos” carried their baskets into the recreation room to join their parents for refreshments and the awarding of the prize for most eggs. Members of the Seniors club served individual bunny cakes and orange-flavored bunny punch. Everyone pretended the bunny punch was carrot juice since rabbits love carrots!

After refreshments, it was time to award the prize for most colored eggs. Miss Hattie came to the microphone. She said, “Before I award this chocolate bunny, the one that looks exactly like the Easter Bunny, can anyone tell me where the Easter Bunny comes from and what does he have to do with colored eggs?”

Silence fell over the room. The “Can Dos” just wanted to know who won. The suspense was too much! Hector couldn’t help wishing that somebody would tell Miss Hattie what she wanted to hear so she would get on with awarding the chocolate Easter Bunny.

Just then, Orrie raised his hand. Now, the truth be told, most of the time, some of the “Can Dos” got annoyed with Orrie for always having the answer. But this time, a cheer went up from the “Can Dos” when Orrie raised his hand. Hector mumbled under his breath, “Get it right, Orrie, or we’ll be here all afternoon!”

Orrie cleared his throat and began talking. “Long ago, thousands of years ago during pagan times, there were special things to do to welcome spring. The rabbit and eggs were symbols at these spring celebrations. In the 1600’s Germans began to write about a rabbit they called Oschter Haws. He was a rabbit that was believed to have the ability to lay colored eggs that were given as gifts to good children.

When German immigrants came to America they brought this custom with them. It was celebrated on Easter. When it was time for the boys and girls to gather the colored eggs, the boys used their caps and the girls, their bonnets. Over the years, Easter baskets took the place of hats.”

Orrie stopped talking and the room broke into applause. Orrie’s family beamed with pride at their smart boy!

Well, the eggs were counted and the winner announced. Eulyn collected the most eggs…fifty-six to be exact. Miss Hattie handed her the bunny. Why it was almost as big as she was!

Then Eulyn did a really special thing. She walked over to the “Can Do” Kids table and invited each “Can Do” to break off and eat a piece of the chocolate Easter Bunny. Now that’s a girl who knows how to share!
