Archive for the ‘Be Safe’ Category

Be Safe In School and Getting to and From School

Monday, September 14th, 2015

safe choices in school“Okay class,” said Miss Pat, “Let’s review making good choices to be safe both in and out of school.”

Hector looked bored and groaned. “Hector,” asked Miss Pat, “What are you groaning about? Do you know all about safe choices you need to make on the way to school and when you are in school?”

“Well Miss Pat,” answered Hector. “I don’t know everything about being safe but I know lots. I know that I’m still too young to cross the street by myself. I need an adult with me or a crossing guard to cross the street. I won’t be old enough to cross on my own until I am 10 years old.”

Miss Pat smiled, saying,”What else do you know about being safe on the way to and from school?”

Hector beamed and shared:

  • “Cross the street at corners, using traffic signals and crosswalks.
  • Never run out into the streets or cross in between parked cars.
  • If you take a school bus, make sure you always walk in front of the bus where the driver can see you.
  • Carry a flashlight at night, dawn and dusk.
  • Wear a jacket or a scarf or something that can be seen by drivers even in the dark.”

“Excellent,” said Miss Pat. “Now who wants to tell me about some choices we need to make to be safe in school?”

Maria raised her hand and when Miss Pat called on her she said, “I know how to be safe in school. You just have to remember to:

  • Walk don’t run in the hallways.
  • Wait your turn, don’t push or cut in line.”

Maria added, “No fooling around when you are going up and down the stairs. Of course there is no throwing of books, bags, supplies and no hitting.”

Then Bobby raised his hand and said, “Food fights and playing with water from the fountain are bad choices when it come to being safe. Someone could fall on a wet floor or slip on a piece of food.”

“Good Job,” said Miss Pat. “You do know how to make good choices to be safe in and out of school!


The Junior Fire Marshall Quiz by the US Fire Administration

Saturday, March 1st, 2014

Be a Junior Fire Marshall! Be safe and help your family be safe from home fires. Ask a family member to help you take this quiz from the US Fire Administration for Kids. Circle the right answer.


Smoke alarms need brand new batteries at least:
a. Once a month
b. Once a year
c. Once every two years
d. Once every ten years

When escaping from a fire:
a. Take time to find your favorite toys
and pets.
b. Get out fast.
c. Hide.
d. Call 9-1-1.

Heaters are hot so be sure to:
a. Ask an adult to turn them on and off for you.
b. Turn them on and off yourself.
c. Leave them on all the time.
d. Place wet clothes to dry over them.

A working smoke alarm can warn you early to escape
when a _____ happens.
a. Fire
b. Thunderstorm
c. Flood
d. Earthquake

You should plan to have __________ escape routes
from each room in your home.
a. Zero
b. One
c. Two
d. Three

Electricity can be very dangerous. Never play with:
a. A pocket video game
b. A television remote control
c. Electrical cords, outlets or wall sockets
d. A flashlight

Smoke alarm batteries need to be __________
once a month to make sure they are working.
a. Cleaned
b. Shined
c. Disconnected
d. Tested

Call 9-1-1 or the fire department only if:
a. You need a ride home from school
b. There is a scary thunderstorm
c. There is an emergency
d. You have a question about fire safety

Only ______ can use fire safely.
a. Kids
b. Kids and adults
c. Teenagers
d. Adults

If you see matches or lighters in a room:
a. throw them away
b. tell a grown-up right away
c. hide them
d. pick them up

The Junior Fire marshal quiz
answers: 1) b 2) b 3) a 4) a 5) c 6) c 7) d 8) c 9) d 10) b

Be sue to check out the US Fire Administration for kids at


Be Safe and Have Fun on Halloween

Tuesday, October 29th, 2013

The “Can Do” kids want to share their Halloween safety tips with you so you are sure to be safe and have fun on Halloween.

  1. Be sure to have a snack or dinner before you go trick or treating so you won’t be tempted to eat anything from your treat bag until you get home
  2. Don’t complain when your parents want to add some reflective tape on your costume. It will help drivers see you as you walk along a dark road
  3. Wear face paint and a hat and not a mask, since masks can make it hard to see, especially on dark roads.
  4. If you are with a group, with one or two parents, stay with the group, don’t wander off
  5. Don’t go into someone’s house unless your parent goes with you.
  6. Be respectful…say thank you for the treat, whatever it is, even if it is not a favorite of yours. You can always trade with a friend later or the next day.
  7. Once you get home, let your parents inspect everything you have in your treat bag to make sure it is safe to eat. They will check to make sure that all the candies are popular, well known candies that they recognize from the grocery store and they are all unopened and well sealed.
  8. Be sure not to share any small treats or toys with a younger brother or sister, as they might choke on them.
  9. Don’t eat too much candy at once. You will only have tummy troubles later on and that is no way to end a fun Halloween.


Time to Test Your Fire Safety Smarts

Friday, January 18th, 2013

The “Can Do” Kids took the Junior Fire Marshal Quiz, from the US Fire Administration for Kids and did very well!

Boys and girls it’s time to take the Junior Fire Marshal Quiz. Ready? Set? Go!

fire safety quiz



1. Smoke alarms need brand new batteries at least:
a. Once a month
b. Once a year
c. Once every two years
d. Once every ten years

2. When escaping from a fire:
a. Take time to find your favorite toys
and pets.
b. Get out fast.
c. Hide.
d. Call 9-1-1.

3. Heaters are hot so be sure to:
a. Ask an adult to turn them on and off for you.
b. Turn them on and off yourself.
c. Leave them on all the time.
d. Place wet clothes to dry over them.

4. A working smoke alarm can warn you early to escape
when a _____ happens.
a. Fire
b. Thunderstorm
c. Flood
d. Earthquake

5.You should plan to have __________ escape routes
from each room in your home.
a. Zero
b. One
c. Two
d. Three

6. Electricity can be very dangerous. Never play with:
a. A pocket video game
b. A television remote control
c. Electrical cords, outlets or wall sockets
d. A flashlight

7. Smoke alarm batteries need to be __________
once a month to make sure they are working.
a. Cleaned
b. Shined
c. Disconnected
d. Tested

8. Call 9-1-1 or the fire department only if:
a. You need a ride home from school
b. There is a scary thunderstorm
c. There is an emergency
d. You have a question about fire safety

9. Only ______ can use fire safely.
a. Kids
b. Kids and adults
c. Teenagers
d. Adults

10. If you see matches or lighters in a room:
a. throw them away
b. tell a grown-up right away
c. hide them
d. pick them up

The Junior Fire marshal quiz  answers: 1) b 2) b 3) a 4) a 5) c 6) c 7) d 8) c 9) d 10) b


Signs Game

Tuesday, January 17th, 2012

Miss Pat and signs games

Miss Pat wasn’t sure that the “Can Dos” understood some of the signs they see on the street.

She decided to make a matching game out certain signs and signs of things that can help keep the “Can Dos” safe.

Why not see how you do playing the signs matching games?

To play along with the “Can Dos” just go to the “Can Do” Street Club House, click on games and choose “signs.”
