Why Does a Cat Purr?

May 19th, 2013

catWendy, Nellie, Bobby and Hector stopped by Grandpa John’s store after school for a snack. As they were waiting to pay Grandpa John, they heard Can Do Cat purring as he lay curled up near the front door.”Why does a cat purr,” asked Nellie?

Grandpa John answered,” If you all trade in those sodas for some healthy juices, I will tell you all about why a cat purrs.” the “Can Dos” put their sodas back and picked out some fresh fruit juices. then they sat in a circle, in front of Can Do Cat and waited for Grandpa John to begin.

“I read a book, The Cat’s Mind, by Bruce Fogle,  a pet doctor,” said Grandpa John. “He says that purring lets a kitten to tell his mother that things are well. A kitten can purr when it is only two days old.

Purring is an important part of how cats talk. They purr for lots of reasons. As the cat grows up, the meaning of the purr changes. Some cats purr when they feel good, while other cats purr when they are frightened.

Whatever the reason for purring, it sounds nice to us humans and is pleasant to hear isn’t it?”

The “Can Dos” nodded. Yes, it was nice to watch “Can Do”Cat resting in the corner and listen to him purr. Wendy said,” I think he is purring because he likes it when we visit!”

“Could be,” answered Grandpa John.”It just could be the reason.”
