
February 1st, 2016

cheatingYundi caught up with Bobby on the walk to school. By the look on Bobby’s face, Yundi could tell there was something wrong. “What’s wrong Bobby,” asked Yundi.

Bobby answered, “I didn’t study for the math test today and now I will probably fail.”

Yundi asked Bobby why he didn’t study. “Well,” said Bobby, “There was a show I wanted to see and when it was over my mom said it was time for bed.”

Yundi just looked at Bobby and shook his head.”What are you going to do?”

Bobby thought a minute, then said, “I know, I sit next to you. I’ll just copy your answers if I can’t do the problems.

Yundi got read in the face and said, “That’s cheating!”

Bobby said,”No it’s not. You’re just helping me out. You’re my friend aren’t you?”

Yundi sputtered, “Yeah, I’m your friend, but friends don’t ask friends to help them with cheating on a test. Besides, why should I let you take my answers? I studied hard and didn’t get to watch any TV last night so I could do well on this test. Now I’m supposed to let you cheat by taking my answers…no fair, Bobby. No fair!”

Bobby got all upset and said, “What am I going to do? if I fail, my mom will make me stay in for a week and I won’t get to go to the skating party on Saturday.”

Yundi was so mad at Bobby for asking him to help him with cheating on the test that he had no sympathy for Bobby. He said, “You should have thought about that last night!”

Bobby said,”You can’t stop me. I sit next to you. When Miss Pat isn’t looking, I’ll just peak at your paper.”cheating

Yundi was so mad! “You do and I’ll raise my hand and tell Miss Pat.”

“You wouldn’t,” said Bobby. “Oh yes I would,” said Yundi. Then Yundi walked away from Bobby and walked the rest of the way to school by himself.


Was Bobby being fair to Yundi? Was Yundi being a friend to Bobby?

Would you ever ask a friend to help you with cheating on a test? Would you ask a friend to let you copy his or her homework?

Is copying someone’s homework cheating?
