Archive for September, 2015

The Pumpkin Surprise

Monday, September 28th, 2015

pumpkin“Class, I have a pumpkin surprise for you,” said Miss Pat. “I love surprises,” said Kathy, but what kind of surprise is a pumpkin surprise?”

“Yeah, a surprise,” shouted Hector.

“Settle down children so I can introduce Mr. Dooley, Willlie and Nellie’s grandpa who is bringing the pumpkin  surprise,” said Miss Pat.

Just then Mr. Dooley rolled a big cart full of pumpkins into the room. All the “Can Do” Kids were jumping around in their seats and yelling,” I want a pumpkin.” Miss Pat said,”No one gets a pumpkin until there is quiet in the room so Mr. Dooley can tell you what we are going to do and how we are going to do it.”

Mr. Dooley smiled and waved to his grandchildren Willie and Nellie. “Hello boys and girls,” he said,  “I brought some pumpkins for us to decorate and some decorations. I  have markers to draw a nose and mouth and eyes right on the pumpkin or you can use these paints to decorate the pumpkin. Another way we can decorate is to draw eyes, a nose, a  mouth and hair and color them, cut them out and  glue them to the pumpkin.”

“I want to carve my pumpkin,” yelled Hector. Mr Dooley answered, “Your too young to use a knife by yourself to cut out a pumpkin and I can’t help everyone who would want to carve out a pumpkin. Besides, your pumpkin will last longer if you don’t carve it, but decorate it instead.”

“Alright children, form a line, no pushing or cutting in front of one another and go up to the cart and pick out your pumpkin and your decorations. When you get back to your seat you can start decorating your pumpkin. If you get started right away, you will be finished in time to take your pumpkin home with you today,” said Miss Pat.

The children were working on their pumpkins and Mr. Dooley was starting to leave. What did they need to do? That’s right they needed to all say,”Thank you Mr. Dooley for the wonderful pumpkin surprise!”pumpkin


A Fall Quiz

Monday, September 21st, 2015


Miss Pat called the class to order and asked, “Who knows when the Fall season of the year begins?”

As usual, Orrie was the first to raise his hand and said, “Fall begins in the Northern Hemisphere on Friday the 23rd for Canada and the United States.” Orrie beamed when Miss Pat complemented him.

Maria raised her hand and asked, “When does South America have its Fall season?”

Miss Pat smiled and said, “Good Question, Maria. Does anyone but Orrie have that answer?” Jay raised his hand and said, “They already had their Fall season. They had it in March. It  began on Sunday, March 20, 2011 for countries considered to be in the Southern Hemisphere. Their seasons are opposite to ours.

“Wow,” said Willie, “You guys are smart. I didn’t know any of those things about the Fall. I just thought Fall was about going back to school and watching football at the high school and on TV with my grandpa.”

Miss Pat said, “Let’s take a Fall quiz and see what else we do and do not know about the fall season.”

She then passed out a quiz. Why not take the quiz and have your parent check your answers?

The Fall Quiz:

What is another name for the Fall?

What happens to trees in the Fall?

Name two holidays that are in the Fall.

What sports are played in the Fall?

What do farmers do in the Fall?

What is the weather like in the Fall?

What kind of clothes do we wear in the Fall?

What do you like most about the Fall?

What don’t you like about the Fall?


Be Safe In School and Getting to and From School

Monday, September 14th, 2015

safe choices in school“Okay class,” said Miss Pat, “Let’s review making good choices to be safe both in and out of school.”

Hector looked bored and groaned. “Hector,” asked Miss Pat, “What are you groaning about? Do you know all about safe choices you need to make on the way to school and when you are in school?”

“Well Miss Pat,” answered Hector. “I don’t know everything about being safe but I know lots. I know that I’m still too young to cross the street by myself. I need an adult with me or a crossing guard to cross the street. I won’t be old enough to cross on my own until I am 10 years old.”

Miss Pat smiled, saying,”What else do you know about being safe on the way to and from school?”

Hector beamed and shared:

  • “Cross the street at corners, using traffic signals and crosswalks.
  • Never run out into the streets or cross in between parked cars.
  • If you take a school bus, make sure you always walk in front of the bus where the driver can see you.
  • Carry a flashlight at night, dawn and dusk.
  • Wear a jacket or a scarf or something that can be seen by drivers even in the dark.”

“Excellent,” said Miss Pat. “Now who wants to tell me about some choices we need to make to be safe in school?”

Maria raised her hand and when Miss Pat called on her she said, “I know how to be safe in school. You just have to remember to:

  • Walk don’t run in the hallways.
  • Wait your turn, don’t push or cut in line.”

Maria added, “No fooling around when you are going up and down the stairs. Of course there is no throwing of books, bags, supplies and no hitting.”

Then Bobby raised his hand and said, “Food fights and playing with water from the fountain are bad choices when it come to being safe. Someone could fall on a wet floor or slip on a piece of food.”

“Good Job,” said Miss Pat. “You do know how to make good choices to be safe in and out of school!


Getting Ready to Go Back to School

Monday, September 7th, 2015

schoolWhile the “Can Dos” thought they would have lots of time to do what they wanted to do in the last week before school started, it didn’t turn out that way! Their parents had lots for them to do.

It’ was that time again; time to do all the things that needed doing before school started for another year.

The time before school is time to:

  • Visit the doctor for a physical.
  • Visit the dentist for a check up and cleaning.
  • Get new school shoes.
  • Get new school clothes.
  • Clean out closets and draws to make room for new clothes and shoes.
  • Clean out an pack up all usable school supplies, clothes and shoes that are too small to wear, books that have been read and donate to an organization that helps children who need these things, but whose parents can’t afford to buy them.
  • Make a space that is quiet for doing homework.
  • Make a space on a shelf, and in draws where school supplies can be stored.
  • Work out a space with mom where important school papers need to be put so she finds them and signs them.
  • Have a talk with mom about the school schedule and what it means for the time to get up, time to leave for school, time to get home from school, chores, homework, free play time, TV and computer time, and bedtime. 

Wow, not much time for playing the week before school starts!
