Cruise Manners

June 17th, 2011

Grandma Maureen invited Kathy and Annie and Arthur J for dinner to talk about the cruise they were going to take together.

Grandma Maureen is so excited about winning a cruise for four to Canada. She’s thrilled to be able to treat her three grandchildren as a reward for their good grades. She wants to make sure they know what to expect on a cruise and know picture of grandma Maureenhow they need to behave.

Grandma Maureen set the table the way it would be in the dining room on the cruise ship and she played the part of the waiter.

Arthur J, Kathy and Annie practiced how to order from the menu that Grandma Maureen made for them. During dinner they brushed up on their table manners to make sure they knew when to use what fork during meals. Grandma gently reminded her grandchildren to; cover their mouths when they burped and say excuse me, not talk with their mouths full, and cut their food in bite size pieces before trying to eat it.

“Remember children, the two magic words…please and thank you,” said Grandma Maureen. Arthur J, Kathy and Annie nodded in agreement.

While her grandchildren ate ice cream and cookies as their treat, Grandma Maureen shared about cruise camp where they would meet other children their age, play games, go swimming, see movies and do other activities during the days they were at sea. On the days they were in port, in different places in Canada, they would take tour buses and visit interesting sites and eat lunch out.

Annie asked, “Are there any special manners we need for the cruise other than table manners”? Grandma Maureen smiled and said, “Why yes there are. Let’s go over cruise manners right now:

  • Take the stairs when you can and leave the elevator for those who need to use it because they have trouble going up and downstairs
  • Always hold the door and let adults go before you unless they say that you can go ahead
  • Its OK to be friendly with other adults when I am around
  • Always say please, thank you and excuse me and say it like you mean it
  • No shouting, running or throwing things”

“Wow, grandma, that’s so much to remember,” said Arthur J. “Don’t worry, I’ll be there to remind you of your cruise manners,” said Grandma Maureen with a smile.
