Posts Tagged ‘Can Do Kids’

Holiday Buffet Manners

Monday, December 30th, 2013

With New Year’s Eve coming, some of the “Can Dos”  were complaining to Miss Sue that all the New Year’s celebrations, at the recreation center,  were for teens and adults. Miss Sue thought about it for a day or so and then announced  that there would be a buffet lunch,  at the community center, on New Year’s eve for “Can Dos” 6-12 years old.

Parents and grandparents were invited to join the “Can Dos” for games, a sing-a-long and then the buffet.

Given what Miss Sue had seen in the past with “Can Dos” forgetting their manners, she thought it might be best to practice buffet manners before the actual buffet lunch. Good thing she did.  Wait till you hear what some of the “Can Dos’ did during the buffet rehearsal!

First of all, Miss Sue had a long table covered with a white cloth and had the cafeteria ladies set out several different dishes with serving spoons and forks  laid out next to them. She had napkins, plates, forks, knives and spoons at one end of the table. At the other end she had glasses and pitchers of juice and water.

Miss Sue instructed the children to start the buffet at the end of the table with the napkins, plates and utensils. They were to move down the table, in a single line, taking what foods they wanted. When they got to the beverage, an adult would serve then a drink. Then they were to find a table where they could sit down and eat with each other.

Well, the buffet practice all started off well, but then Nellie broke out of the line because she didn’t want some of the foods, and didn’t want to wait until others ahead of her took some of these foods.

Then others  broke out of line and soon it was a mess with “Can Dos” yelling,  “No fair, I was ahead of you and now I’m waiting for you to go.”

Then Miss Sue saw Hector take food put it on his plate and then put it back in the buffet bowl. As she walked over to him, she saw Kathy use her fingers to pick up fruit from the buffet and put it on her plate!

That did it! “Children, said Miss Sue, “Come away from the buffet table. we need to have a lesson in buffet manners right now!”

When the “Can Dos” gathered around her, Miss Sue said, “When you are at a buffet these are the things you must remember to do or other people at the buffet will thing you have bad manners and you will embarrass your family:

  • Go in the direction that everyone else is going. Don’t start your own separate line.
  • Be patient! Stay in line and wait your turn. If the buffet runs out of a food you like, the food preparers will more than likely replace it with more of the same food.
  • Use the spoons and forks next to each dish of food. Don’t use the same spoon or fork to take from more than one dish.
  • Don’t put food back on the buffet once you put it on your plate. People coming after you don’t want food that was on your plate. Only take what you think you want to eat.
  • Only use utensils to take food from the buffet, not your fingers. Would you want to eat from a plate where someone had used their fingers to grab food ?”

The “Can Dos” listened carefully and when Miss Sue was finished speaking Annie asked,”May we try again Miss Sue?Miss Sue thought a minute and answered, “I think that is a good idea.”

The “Can Dos” lined up and went through the buffet line remembering to stay in line and using utensils to take food. No one used their fingers and no one put food back on the buffet after putting it on his or her plate.

The “Can Dos” were ready for their first holiday buffet!


The “Can Do” Kids Just Want to Say

Wednesday, December 25th, 2013

all the kids. jpg

Happy Holidays from Us to You!



Friday, November 8th, 2013

The “Can Dos” weren’t very interested in learning about rhyme.

They just didn’t get it. So Miss Pat invited her friend, Alan Fishbone to come to class and read some of the rhymes he wrote when he was their age. Miss Pat went to school with Mr. Fishbone, and she remembered how much fun his rhymes were. His rhymes also helped the rest of the class to understand how you go about rhyming.

When Mr. Fishbone came to class, he shared the following poems and the “Can Dos got it! The “Can Dos” understood and started to write using rhyme and have fun with it.


   Question and Rhyme

How do rhinos kiss you say

With such big horns atop their noses?

Well, they do just fine you see

As long as neither rhino dozes.

Rhinos don’t watch TVs

Nor go to school with suitcase lunches,

but they hear the whispering trees

And gobble grapes in purple bunches.


Hickory Dickory Dock

The mouse ran up the clock:

Well, I’ve heard this before,

But what about the Knock Knock Knock

The whiskered cat taps at his door

While he is tucked away in his bed

And snoring as a mouse will snore

With dreams of cheese around his head?

OK boys and girls at home, how are you at rhyme?


Be Safe and Have Fun on Halloween

Tuesday, October 29th, 2013

The “Can Do” kids want to share their Halloween safety tips with you so you are sure to be safe and have fun on Halloween.

  1. Be sure to have a snack or dinner before you go trick or treating so you won’t be tempted to eat anything from your treat bag until you get home
  2. Don’t complain when your parents want to add some reflective tape on your costume. It will help drivers see you as you walk along a dark road
  3. Wear face paint and a hat and not a mask, since masks can make it hard to see, especially on dark roads.
  4. If you are with a group, with one or two parents, stay with the group, don’t wander off
  5. Don’t go into someone’s house unless your parent goes with you.
  6. Be respectful…say thank you for the treat, whatever it is, even if it is not a favorite of yours. You can always trade with a friend later or the next day.
  7. Once you get home, let your parents inspect everything you have in your treat bag to make sure it is safe to eat. They will check to make sure that all the candies are popular, well known candies that they recognize from the grocery store and they are all unopened and well sealed.
  8. Be sure not to share any small treats or toys with a younger brother or sister, as they might choke on them.
  9. Don’t eat too much candy at once. You will only have tummy troubles later on and that is no way to end a fun Halloween.


Halloween Mazes

Saturday, October 19th, 2013

The “Can Dos” were restless in class. Miss Pat chalked it up to the coming of Halloween.

It was almost the end of the school day. She looked at the class and said, ” Okay “Can Dos’ who is up for working on some Halloween mazes?” A cheer went up! The “Can Dos” love mazes.

Boys and girls at home, why not try the Halloween mazes with the “Can Dos”? Just print them out and enjoy!





